"Bergamont Comedy Fest embodies discovery through curation."
"I was able to see dozens of GOOD comedians I wasn't familiar with".
"My scouting homework was already done for me".
— Ryan Moran, Comedy Central Senior Talent & Development
Experience Los Angeles's comedy scene in Santa Monica

Where comedy & culture collide
Bergamot Comedy Fest is a week-long comedic arts festival where comedy and culture collide through curated programming.
“The Crow has created something special with the Bergamot Comedy Festival. As both a participant and observer, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the talent and environment Nicole has created. The Bergamot Comedy Festival is a necessary stop on the Festival circuit for both industry and talent.”
— Michael Cox, Booker for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Thank You to our 2025 Sponsors

“The most crucial element in any comedy festival is discovery through curation – and I cannot commend the Bergamot Comedy Fest any more than by saying it absolutely embodies this principle. The talent involved was not only incredible, but almost entirely unknown (at least, to me!). In a VERY short period of time, I was able to see dozens of GOOD comedians I wasn’t familiar with, interact with talent & industry, and walk away feeling as if my scouting homework was already done for me. It’s rare for any fest to have this level of discovery, but to have it in Southern California is the cherry on top.”
— Ryan Moran, Comedy Central – Talent & Development
“Over the last two years since the Crow opened, Blaine has made it the community-oriented venue’s mission to amplify underrepresented voices of female-identifying, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ talent. To do so, she decided to work backwards. If there weren’t enough voices from marginal groups, they required the same access to stage time and professional stand-up education.”
— Los Angeles Times
“Performing at the Bergamot Comedy Fest gave me the opportunity to be seen by Beth Stelling who then booked me at Largo, a difficult club to get into, which snowballed into being seen by the Largo owner who then started booking me for other shows. I've been able to open for Sarah Silverman and Margaret Cho! Additionally, BCF was a great way to make comedy friends, get industry contacts, and learn the business side of comedy from the fest’s many panels."
— Nina Nguyen (BCF 2024 Comedian)
"I would have never imagined I would be getting calls from reps just after one performance, but at this festival every comic had a fair shot of being discovered. Also, as a female college student, I can't tell you how nice it was to finally be on a lineup where I wasn't 10+ years younger than everyone or the only girl. Special is an understatement. The Crow has so much to be proud of and I can't wait to see how this event grows in the future!"
— Caroline Murphy
"This was genuinely one of the most amazing experiences I’ve had, not just in comedy but just life in general. I took the week off work and it felt like a magical week where comedy was my full time job. I met so many amazing people and learned so much, it felt like a week of comedy college with a summer camp twist."
— Ainsley Bailey
"The Industry Panel of Mini-Generals was probably pound for pound the most efficient and useful networking experience I've ever had in my entire life. It was well-run by people who I could tell really cared. The panels were nerve-racking at first, especially attending them right before performing, but they were all useful and I genuinely felt like every comic I spoke to felt like they built on each other really nicely."
— Julian Stern
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March 31st thru April 5th
Bergamot Station Arts Center
Santa Monica, CA
© 2024 Bergamot Comedy Fest
Branding & Design by One Blue Cat